Watch this video to find out 7 Ways To Guarantee Yourself A Higher Power Bill
I know you really don’t want a higher power bill, but you may not realise some of these common mistakes you could be making, that are costing you money. Just being aware of these problems can make a big difference to the cost of running your home.
Electricity costs are a major expense and no one likes getting those bills in the mail. Lets have a quick look at 7 things you might be doing that will actually increase the cost of power for your home.
For example you could be:
- Leaving lights or appliances on when no one is using them.
- Not having insulation installed in your ceiling
- Not cleaning your heat pump filters
- Having really long showers
- Running your electric heaters on normal light and power instead of the Hydro Heat tariff
- Not using timers and sensors to control your heaters and lights
- Using old incandescent light globes instead of LED lamps
Mance Electrical’s free report, Save Power Save Money, will show you how to avoid these mistakes and has 43 guaranteed ways to reduce your power bill, including many no cost and low cost ideas.
You can save money without spending a cent.
In one of our next videos we’ll look at 7 guaranteed ways to reduce your power bill.
In the mean time, go to and download our free ebook.