Case Study: Launceston City Council Installs First LED Street Lights
The Client
The Launceston City Council provides services to over 65,000 residents in the municipality. The future direction and focus of the council is guided by the Greater Launceston Plan.
The two key themes of the GLP are community needs and values, and recognising the importance of sustainability. As part of the comittment to deliver services in a responsible and sustainable manner the council has engaged the services of Jim Taylor as the City Of Launceston Sustainability Officer.
The Challenge
There are over 5,000 street lights in the Launceston area, which run from 8 to 14 hours a day, depending on the time of year. This generates a hefty power bill for the council and Jim has been investigating ways to reduce the cost of running these lights.
Any alternative must have low running costs and be as low maintenance as possible. Being pole top fittings there is a considerable cost and use of resources just to access a light fitting for repair. Also, the change from old to new light fittings should be as simple as possible.
The Solution
Jim decided to test the Sylvania StreetLED 22w LED street light fitting to replace the existing 80w mercury-vapour fittings.
Mance Electrical assisted by installing 6 of the new fittings to light poles in the car park at the bottom of Park Street, near the Tamar Yacht Club. These are the first LED street lights to be installed in the Launceston Municipality.
The Results
Installation of the lights was trouble free, due to the well designed mounting system. The light output of the new LEDs is clear and bright and compares favourably with the old mercury vapour lights.
Power consumption is a massive 72% less than the original fittings.
With over 5,000 street lights in Launceston the potential cost savings are substantial.
For advice on converting your existing lights to LED phone Mance Electrical on 6331 4711