Main Earth Electrical Safety

Correct Earthing Is Vital For Electrical Safety

Hi, today I want to talk about the importance of correct earthing for the electrical safety of your home or business premises.  A good main earth is a vital safety feature, unfortunately it’s something that can be easily damaged or disconnected.  Your main earth connection is just a single green and yellow wire that’s connected to a copper stake that is hammered into the ground beside your house, usually close to the switchboard.

Have a look and see if you can find your main earth connection and make sure it hasn’t been damaged or chopped off by a whipper snipper or spade.  The other part of your earth system is the equipotential bond.  This is an earth wire connected to your metal plumbing pipes and it’s an additional electrical safety feature.

The equipotential bond is sometimes cut or removed during plumbing renovations when replacing pipes or replacing an old hot water cylinder.  If you feel any slight tingle when you touch a tap or a metal sink that’s a sign you have a problem with your equipotential bond and it’s something that should be looked at straight away.

Having a good main earth and a good earth connection to each individual light and power point in your home or office is very important for electrical safety.  It’s important to make sure your earthing system is in good condition and everything is working as it should.

If you can’t locate your earth stake or have any queries about the earthing on your property, please get in touch and arrange for a quick check to ensure your electrical installation is safe and correctly earthed.

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