Most stoves and ovens can be repaired as long as spare parts are still available.
Common faults include blown oven elements and thermostats, blown hotplates and faulty hotplate controls.
These are usually quite easy to fix provided parts are available. Oven door hinges wear out over time and these, along with door seals can be replaced.
Digital timers can also fail causing the oven to shut down completely. It’s often possible to bypass the timer and avoid the expense of new parts as most people don’t use the timers anyway.
Multifunction controls can be a problem on some brands of imported oven. You usually need the exact right part and can’t adapt something else if the correct part is not available. Some clients have thrown away fairly new and expensive ovens because a certain controller is not available as a spare part.
If your oven stops working you should check your auto/manual switch. We have traveled to every suburb of Launceston switching oven controls from automatic back to manual.
The client is always embaressed when a simple flick of the switch gets everything going again.
Sometimes you are better off buying a new appliance rather than repairing the old one. If parts are expensive and the stove is old then a new replacement may be the way to go.
Stove repairs are something you usually want fixed in a hurry, so we always try to get them done the same day.
Stay tuned for our next blog post where we will find out what’s involved in removing your old stove and installing a new one.